

Suppose you need to process each line of a text file. One way to do this is to read the file in as a single large string and use something like Str.split to turn it into a list. This works when the file is small, but because the entire file is loaded into memory, it does not scale well when the file is large.

More commonly, the input_line function can be used to read one line at a time from a channel. This typically looks like:

let in_channel = open_in "lines.txt" in
  while true do
    let line = input_line in_channel in
    (* do something with line *)
with End_of_file ->
  close_in in_channel

The above code is efficient with memory, but it can be inconvenient in other ways. Since input_line only works with the in_channel type, it cannot be reused in cases where the text is already in memory. The End_of_file exception can be raised at any point during iteration, and it is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the file is closed appropriately. In fact, if there is any other exception in the above example, the file will not be closed at all. Altogether, there is a lot going on: channels, I/O, exceptions, and files.

Streams offer an abstraction over one part of this process: reading items from a sequence. They don't assume anything about files or channels, and they replace the End_of_file exception with a more structured approach to dealing with the end of input. Here is a function that builds a stream of lines from an input channel:

let line_stream_of_channel channel =
    (fun _ ->
       try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None)

The "Stream.from" function builds a stream from a callback function. This function is passed the current stream count (starting with 0) as an argument and is expected to return an 'a option. If the option has a value (Some x), that value will be the next item in the stream. If it has no value (None), this indicates that the stream is empty and no further reads will be attempted. Since the option is polymorphic, Stream.from can construct streams of any type. These streams have a type of 'a Stream.t.

With this simple function, we can now easily construct line streams from any input channel:

# let in_channel = open_in "lines.txt";;
val in_channel : in_channel = <abstr>
# let lines = line_stream_of_channel in_channel;;
val lines : string Stream.t = <abstr>

This variable lines is a stream of strings, one string per line. We can now begin reading lines from it by passing it to

# lines;;
- : string = "this is a"
# lines;;
- : string = "test of the"
# lines;;
- : string = "line input stream"
# lines;;
Exception: Stream.Failure.

As you can see, either returns the next item in the stream or raises a Stream.Failure exception indicating that the stream is empty. Likewise, with a little help from the Stream.of_list constructor and the Str regular expression module, we could build a stream of lines from a string in memory:

let line_stream_of_string string =
  Stream.of_list (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") string)

and these streams could be used exactly the same way:

# let lines = line_stream_of_string "hello\nstream\nworld";;
val lines : string Stream.t = <abstr>
# lines;;
- : string = "hello"
# lines;;
- : string = "stream"
# lines;;
- : string = "world"
# lines;;
Exception: Stream.Failure.

Since both cases raise Stream.Failure on an empty stream, there is no need to worry about catching End_of_file in the case of file I/O. This unified interface makes it much easier to write functions that can receive data from multiple sources.

The Stream.iter function automates the common task of performing an operation for each item. With it, we can rewrite the original example as follows:

let in_channel = open_in "lines.txt" in
    (fun line ->
       (* do something with line *)
       print_endline line)
    (line_stream_of_channel in_channel);
  close_in in_channel
with e ->
  close_in in_channel;
  raise e

Note how much easier it is to handle I/O exceptions properly, since we can deal with them independently from the end-of-file condition. This separation of concerns allows us to decompose this into simpler and more reusable functions:

let process_line line =
  print_endline line
let process_lines lines =
  Stream.iter process_line lines
let process_file filename =
  let in_channel = open_in filename in
    process_lines (line_stream_of_channel in_channel);
    close_in in_channel
  with e ->
    close_in in_channel
    raise e
let process_string string =
  process_lines (line_stream_of_string string)

Constructing streams

In the above examples, we saw two methods for constructing streams:

The Stream module provides a few other stream builders:

Stream.from is the most general, and it can be used to produce streams of any type. It is not limited to I/O and can even produce infinite sequences. Here are a few simple stream builders defined with Stream.from:

(* A stream that is always empty. *)
let empty_stream () = Stream.from (fun _ -> None)
(* A stream that yields the same item repeatedly. *)
let const_stream k = Stream.from (fun _ -> Some k)
(* A stream that yields consecutive integers starting with 'i'. *)
let count_stream i = Stream.from (fun j -> Some (i + j))

Deconstructing streams

We already saw the function, which retrieves a single item from a stream. There is another way to work with streams that is often preferable: Stream.peek and Stream.junk. When used together, these functions allow you to see what the next item would be. This feature, known as "look ahead", is very useful when writing parsers. Even if you don't need to look ahead, the peek/junk protocol may be nicer to work with because it uses options instead of exceptions:

# Stream.peek lines;;
- : string option = Some "hello"
# Stream.peek lines;;
- : string option = Some "hello"
# Stream.junk lines;;
- : unit = ()
# Stream.peek lines;;
- : string option = Some "world"
# Stream.junk lines;;
- : unit = ()
# Stream.peek lines;;
- : string option = None

As you can see, it is necessary to call Stream.junk to advance to the next item. Stream.peek will always give you either the next item or None, and it will never fail. Likewise, Stream.junk always succeeds (even if the stream is empty).

A more complex "Stream.from" example

Here is a function that converts a line stream into a paragraph stream. As such, it is both a stream consumer and a stream producer.

let paragraphs lines =
  let rec next para_lines i =
    match Stream.peek lines, para_lines with
      | None, [] ->
      | Some "", [] ->
          Stream.junk lines;
          next para_lines i
      | Some "", _ | None, _ ->
          Some (String.concat "\n" (List.rev para_lines))
      | Some line, _ ->
          Stream.junk lines;
          next (line :: para_lines) i in
  Stream.from (next [])

This function uses an extra parameter to next (the Stream.from callback) called para_lines in order to collect the lines for each paragraph. Paragraphs are delimited by any number of blank lines.

Each time next is called, a match expression tests two values: the next line in the stream, and the contents of para_lines. Four cases are handled:

  1. If the end of the stream is reached and no lines have been collected, the paragraph stream ends as well.
  2. If the next line is blank and no lines have been collected, the blank is ignored and next is called recursively to keep looking for a non-blank line.
  3. If a blank line or end of stream is reached and lines have been collected, the paragraph is returned by concatenating para_lines to a single string.
  4. Finally, if a non-blank line has been reached, the line is collected by recursively calling para_lines.

Happily, we can rely on the OCaml compiler's exhaustiveness checking to ensure that we are handling all possible cases.

With this new tool, we can now work just as easily with paragraphs as we could before with lines:

(* Print each paragraph, followed by a separator. *)
let lines = line_stream_of_channel in_channel in
  (fun para ->
     print_endline para;
     print_endline "--")
  (paragraphs lines)

Functions like paragraphs that produce and consume streams can be composed together in a manner very similar to UNIX pipes and filters.

Stream combinators

Just like lists and arrays, common iteration patterns such as map, filter, and fold can be very useful. The Stream module does not provide such functions, but they can be built easily using Stream.from:

let stream_map f stream =
  let rec next i =
    try Some (f ( stream))
    with Stream.Failure -> None in
  Stream.from next
let stream_filter p stream =
  let rec next i =
      let value = stream in
      if p value then Some value else next i
    with Stream.Failure -> None in
  Stream.from next
let stream_fold f stream init =
  let result = ref init in
    (fun x -> result := f x !result)

For example, here is a stream of leap years starting with 2000:

let is_leap year =
  year mod 4 = 0 && (year mod 100 <> 0 || year mod 400 = 0)
let leap_years = stream_filter is_leap (count_stream 2000)

We can use the Stream.npeek function to look ahead by more than one item. In this case, we'll peek at the next 30 items to make sure that the year 2100 is not a leap year (since it's divisible by 100 but not 400!):

# Stream.npeek 30 leap_years;;
- : int list =
[2000; 2004; 2008; 2012; 2016; 2020; 2024; 2028; 2032; 2036;
 2040; 2044; 2048; 2052; 2056; 2060; 2064; 2068; 2072; 2076;
 2080; 2084; 2088; 2092; 2096; 2104; 2108; 2112; 2116; 2120]

Note that we must be careful not to use Stream.iter on an infinite stream like leap_years. This applies to stream_fold, as well as any function that attempts to consume the entire stream.

# stream_fold (+) (Stream.of_list [1; 2; 3]) 0;;
- : int = 6
# stream_fold (+) (count_stream 0) 0;;
  C-c Interrupted.

Other useful stream builders

The previously defined const_stream function builds a stream that repeats a single value. It is also useful to build a stream that repeats a sequence of values. The following function does just that:

let cycle items =
  let buf = ref [] in
  let rec next i =
    if !buf = [] then buf := items;
    match !buf with
      | h :: t -> (buf := t; Some h)
      | [] -> None in
  Stream.from next

One common task that can benefit from this kind of stream is the generation of alternating background colors for HTML. By using cycle with stream_combine, defined in the next section, an infinite stream of background colors can be combined with a finite stream of data to produce a sequence of HTML blocks:

# Stream.iter print_endline
       (fun (bg, s) ->
          Printf.sprintf "<div style='background: %s'>%s</div>" bg s)
          (cycle ["#eee"; "#fff"])
          (Stream.of_list ["hello"; "html"; "world"])));;
<div style='background: #eee'>hello</div>
<div style='background: #fff'>html</div>
<div style='background: #eee'>world</div>
- : unit = ()

Here is a simple range function that produces a sequence of integers:

let range ?(start=0) ?(stop=0) ?(step=1) () =
  let in_range = if step < 0 then (>) else (<) in
  let current = ref start in
  let rec next i =
    if in_range !current stop
    then let result = !current in (current := !current + step;
                                   Some result)
    else None in
  Stream.from next

This works just like Python's xrange built-in function, providing an easy way to produce an assortment of lazy integer sequences by specifying combinations of start, stop, or step values:

# Stream.npeek 10 (range ~start:5 ~stop:10 ());;
- : int list = [5; 6; 7; 8; 9]
# Stream.npeek 10 (range ~stop:10 ~step:2 ());;
- : int list = [0; 2; 4; 6; 8]
# Stream.npeek 10 (range ~start:10 ~step:(-1) ());;
- : int list = [10; 9; 8; 7; 6; 5; 4; 3; 2; 1]
# Stream.npeek 10 (range ~start:10 ~stop:5 ~step:(-1) ());;
- : int list = [10; 9; 8; 7; 6]

Combining streams

There are several ways to combine streams. One is to produce a stream of streams and then concatenate them into a single stream. The following function works just like List.concat, but instead of turning a list of lists into a list, it turns a stream of streams into a stream:

let stream_concat streams =
  let current_stream = ref None in
  let rec next i =
      let stream =
        match !current_stream with
          | Some stream -> stream
          | None ->
              let stream = streams in
              current_stream := Some stream;
              stream in
      try Some ( stream)
      with Stream.Failure -> (current_stream := None; next i)
    with Stream.Failure -> None in
  Stream.from next

Here is a sequence of ranges which are themselves derived from a range, concatenated with stream_concat to produce a flattened int Stream.t.

# Stream.npeek 10
          (fun i -> range ~stop:i ())
          (range ~stop:5 ())));;
- : int list = [0; 0; 1; 0; 1; 2; 0; 1; 2; 3]

Another way to combine streams is to iterate through them in a pairwise fashion:

let stream_combine stream1 stream2 =
  let rec next i =
    try Some ( stream1, stream2)
    with Stream.Failure -> None in
  Stream.from next

This is useful, for instance, if you have a stream of keys and a stream of corresponding values. Iterating through key value pairs is then as simple as:

  (fun (key, value) ->
     (* do something with 'key' and 'value' *)
  (stream_combine key_stream value_stream)

Since stream_combine stops as soon as either of its input streams runs out, it can be used to combine an infinite stream with a finite one. This provides a neat way to add indexes to a sequence:

# let items = ["this"; "is"; "a"; "test"];;
val items : string list = ["this"; "is"; "a"; "test"]
# Stream.iter
    (fun (index, value) ->
       Printf.printf "%d. %s\n%!" index value)
    (stream_combine (count_stream 1) (Stream.of_list items));;
1. this
2. is
3. a
4. test
- : unit = ()

Copying streams

Streams are destructive; once you discard an item in a stream, it is no longer available unless you save a copy somewhere. What if you want to use the same stream more than once? One way is to create a "tee". The following function creates two output streams from one input stream, intelligently queueing unseen values until they have been produced by both streams:

let stream_tee stream =
  let next self other i =
      if Queue.is_empty self
        let value = stream in
        Queue.add value other;
        Some value
        Some (Queue.take self)
    with Stream.Failure -> None in
  let q1 = Queue.create () in
  let q2 = Queue.create () in
  (Stream.from (next q1 q2),
   Stream.from (next q2 q1))

Here is an example of a stream tee in action:

# let letters = Stream.of_list ['a'; 'b'; 'c'; 'd'; 'e'];;
val letters : char Stream.t = <abstr>
# let s1, s2 = stream_tee letters;;
val s1 : char Stream.t = <abstr>
val s2 : char Stream.t = <abstr>
# s1;;
- : char = 'a'
# s1;;
- : char = 'b'
# s2;;
- : char = 'a'
# s1;;
- : char = 'c'
# s2;;
- : char = 'b'
# s2;;
- : char = 'c'

Again, since streams are destructive, you probably want to leave the original stream alone or you will lose items from the copied streams:

# letters;;
- : char = 'd'
# s1;;
- : char = 'e'
# s2;;
- : char = 'e'

Converting streams

Here are a few functions for converting between streams and lists, arrays, and hash tables. These probably belong in the standard library, but they are simple to define anyhow. Again, beware of infinite streams, which will cause these functions to hang.

(* This one is free. *)
let stream_of_list = Stream.of_list
let list_of_stream stream =
  let result = ref [] in
  Stream.iter (fun value -> result := value :: !result) stream;
  List.rev !result
let stream_of_array array =
  Stream.of_list (Array.to_list array)
let array_of_stream stream =
  Array.of_list (list_of_stream stream)
let stream_of_hash hash =
  let result = ref [] in
    (fun key value -> result := (key, value) :: !result)
  Stream.of_list !result
let hash_of_stream stream =
  let result = Hashtbl.create 0 in
    (fun (key, value) -> Hashtbl.replace result key value)

What if you want to convert arbitary data types to streams? Well, if the data type defines an iter function, and you don't mind using threads, you can use a producer-consumer arrangement to invert control:

let elements iter coll =
  let channel = Event.new_channel () in
  let producer () =
    let () =
      iter (fun x -> Event.sync (Event.send channel (Some x))) coll in
    Event.sync (Event.send channel None) in
  let consumer i =
    Event.sync (Event.receive channel) in
  ignore (Thread.create producer ());
  Stream.from consumer

Now it is possible to build a stream from an iter function and a corresponding value:

# module StringSet = Set.Make(String);;
# let set = StringSet.empty;;
val set : StringSet.t = <abstr>
# let set = StringSet.add "here" set;;
val set : StringSet.t = <abstr>
# let set = StringSet.add "are" set;;
val set : StringSet.t = <abstr>
# let set = StringSet.add "some" set;;
val set : StringSet.t = <abstr>
# let set = StringSet.add "values" set;;
val set : StringSet.t = <abstr>
# let stream = elements StringSet.iter set;;
val stream : StringSet.elt Stream.t = <abstr>
# Stream.iter print_endline stream;;
- : unit = ()

Some data types, like Hashtbl and Map, provide an iter function that iterates through key-value pairs. Here's a function for those, too:

let items iter coll =
  let channel = Event.new_channel () in
  let producer () =
    let () =
      iter (fun k v ->
              Event.sync (Event.send channel (Some (k, v)))) coll in
    Event.sync (Event.send channel None) in
  let consumer i =
    Event.sync (Event.receive channel) in
  ignore (Thread.create producer ());
  Stream.from consumer

If we want just the keys, or just the values, it is simple to transform the output of items using stream_map:

let keys iter coll = stream_map (fun (k, v) -> k) (items iter coll)
let values iter coll = stream_map (fun (k, v) -> v) (items iter coll)

Keep in mind that these techniques spawn producer threads which carry a few risks: they only terminate when they have finished iterating, and any change to the original data structure while iterating may produce unexpected results.

Other built-in Stream functions

There are a few other documented methods in the Stream module:

In addition, there are a few undocumented functions: iapp, icons, ising, lapp, lcons, lsing, sempty, slazy, and dump. They are visible in the interface with the caveat: "For system use only, not for the casual user". Some of these functions are used internally by Camlp4 Stream Expressions, which are based on the Stream module as well. In any case, they are best left alone.